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- The website inform visitors / users of its pages and services of the web sites that have carefully read the terms of use and service conditions before each visit or use. In case of any conflict or disagreement should not make use of them, otherwise presumed accepts them and gives his consent. The following terms of use apply to all content in both text and photographic material and generally is included on pages of our web sites.
- The firm may modify the terms and conditions at any time and users / visitors of the websites shall each time check for any such changes; continued use is deemed to accept the modified terms and conditions. Otherwise, they should refrain from any visit / use our internet site.
- The strive without warrants and therefore responsible that the information, photos and all content to be governed by the greatest possible accuracy and clarity, both in terms of timeliness and on the completeness, correctness and availability. In no event shall any liability of for any loss / damage caused to the visitor / user of our web isotope.
- Some of the information, photographs of the site are provided by third parties. The not able to verify such information and does not guarantee their accuracy. The use of content is solely the responsibility of the user and has no responsibility in Guests must proceed on the basis of personal will upon personal evaluation of our isotope data excluding any responsibility
- The beyond the control of the content, availability, policy protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of services of other websites referred to via links, hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, for any problem occur when using them / their visit, the user has to go directly to their websites, which bear the entire responsibility for providing their services. The should not be assumed that accepts or endorses the content and any services of the websites and pages that refers, and that bears no responsibility for the communication of each visitor / user with third party services advertised on the websites the and fortunes for any commercial transaction that may arise from their relationship and communication.
- Copyright works, such as texts and photos presented and displayed in have mainly been for information. If requested by the beneficiaries shall be deducted immediately.
- The user / visitor of our web site must comply with the laws and rules of the Greek, European and International Law, and to refrain from any illegal and improper use of content and services of our website. Any damage caused to our website or the internet in general, resulting from the misuse or abuse of the relevant services by the visitor / user belongs to the sphere of exclusive responsibility.
- The user expressly agrees to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence over any dispute arising with, have the Courts of Athens. These terms of use are governed by Greek law. If any of the above conditions prove invalid, this shall not affect the validity and effect of the remaining terms which shall remain in full force.
- If the user / visitor considers the terms unacceptable advised not to use the website.
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